Welcome AAM

Welcome to the American Academy of Mechanics!

The American Academy of Mechanics (AAM) is an honor society that is home to all disciplines engaged in the study of the response of inanimate and animate matter to forces and environmental effects. Persons having a permanent residence in one of the countries of South, Central, or North America, recognized for their contributions to the science and profession of mechanics as judged by objective criteria regardless of one’s identity, origin, or experience, are eligible to become members of AAM.

For the past few years AAM has not been active. The collection of membership dues was suspended because the leadership felt AAM did not have much to offer its members. As we work to revitalize AAM, I welcome your ideas, support, and participation.

My goals for this year are to reinstate the Haythornethwaite Prize, to provide support to young investigators by instituting travel awards to PACAM conferences, to partner with other mechanics efforts in the Americas, and to engage in efforts that will raise the visibility of the mechanics profession and promote mechanics education.

It is important that AAM be the embodiment of the advancement of mechanics, and a leading voice of mechanics information. I hope to promote an active, visible, and diverse membership.  I encourage you to contact me (arruda@umich.edu) with your comments and suggestions.

On this website you will find a link to PACAM XVI, which will be held in Calgary, Ontario, Canada in July, 2017.  I encourage those of us who self-identify as members of AAM to respond to the call for papers and attend PACAM XVI!

Thank you!

Ellen M. Arruda

President of AAM